Foniopaddy Seed
Foniopaddy is one of the best natural medicines you can give to your cage birds, the grass seed is grown in plantations in Uganda. More than three years of studies has proven that Foniopaddy can dramatically decreases coccidiosis. It has also been used to treat cage birds with a number of other medical issues or when requiring an extra boost such as;
- Respiratory issues
- During moulting
- When rearing chicks
Directions for use
During the first week allow the birds to determine how much they would like. After the initial week give the birds one-teaspoon of Foniopaddy per week. Larger aviaries with 30 to 40 birds should be given two to three tablespoons per week. The Fonio paddy should be fed in a separate container as its fine structure can cause it to sink underneath other seeds, it’s most commonly fed using a finger drawer.
What is Coccidiosis
Coccidia are microscope parasites that live in the small intestine of birds; their eggs are passed through the bird and remain in the bird’s faeces, spreading via their long-living hard-shelled eggs. Coccidia can cause a range of problems for birds including diarrhea with or without blood, weight loss, poor appetitive, prolonged illness and death in the young.
It is believed that coccidiosis can be contracted by food ingested with the infected faeces or eggs. Foniopaddy gives a natural, non-chemical treatment and preventative.
1kg packaged by Floralia, 500g & 250g packaged by us.
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